8 Essential Golf Etiquette Tips!

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golf tips ireland

8 Essential Golf Etiquette Tips!

The rules of golf etiquette are not only in place to encourage players to behave politely towards one another, but they also provide safety in a game where a hard ball travelling through the air can reach speeds of over 200 miles per hour.

So with this in mind, check out the D&A Golf top tips for ensuring a pleasant and safe game.

Don’t be late

When you are late for a golf game, it will cause unnecessary stress to your playing partners. Don’t be surprised if you aren’t invited again if you’re consistently late, or cancel at the last minute.
Aim to arrive at the course around 20-30 minutes before the tee time. Introduce yourself and ask the order of play if you don’t know the people you are playing with.

Wear appropriate clothing

Collared shirts, polo shirts, and tailored knee-length shorts with belt loops are the order of the day. Tuck your shirts in, wear socks, and invest in a pair of decent golf shoes.

The golden rule is silence

When a player lines up or is about to take their shot, remain quiet and very still. For the duration of the game, place your mobile phone on silent mode and leave it in your bag. When a player is mid-swing, even adjusting the Velcro on a golf glove can be extremely distracting.
It is bad etiquette to stand behind a golfer on the tee or anywhere else on the golf course.

Be honest and don’t cheat

When you’re out on the course, it can be tempting to ‘bend the rules’ if things don’t go your way. The rules of golf are also very complex and sometimes mistakes are made out of ignorance. Do not hesitate to ask your fellow players or clubhouse officials if you are unsure about the rules.
Keep track of your strokes and be honest – don’t discount lost balls or “air shots” to improve your score sheet. If you lose a ball or it goes out of bounds, you need to replay from where it was struck.

Avoid Slow Play

No matter where you play, don’t hold up the flow of the golf course by being too slow. Aim to play your shot onto the green just after the group ahead of you has vacated it safely.
Preparation is important in golf, but take advantage of the waiting time between shots to decide what club to use next and take it out of the bag before your turn. When you’re still on the green, don’t waste time discussing the hole or filling out your score card as this will hold up the group behind.

Respect the course

Everyone enjoys the golf course, and it endures considerable wear and tear. Maintain it by repairing pitch marks on the greens and replacing divots in the fairways.

Keep your temper in check

Despite the fact that golf can be a frustrating game at times, do not let a bad shot affect your golf etiquette. If you want to be invited back for another round, try to keep your temper in check at all times.
Don’t throw your club . This is non-negotiable and probably the quickest way to earn yourself a bad reputation. Golf should be fun, so keep a positive attitude!

 Stay for a Drink

The custom is to stay and have a drink with your group after the round is finished. If you don’t want to stay, come up with a good excuse and state it politely.

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