Essential Golf Terms That Every Golfer Needs to Know
Golfers of all skill levels can appreciate being “in the know” when it comes to golf talk. To help out, here is a rundown of terms that are essential for having conversations at the 19th hole.
What does Ace mean in golf?
An ace is when you get a hole in one on any given golf course. It’s an impressive achievement and one that’s looked upon as a significant accomplishment.
What does Address mean in golf?
The golfer’s stance shortly before striking the ball is their address.
What does Adjusted Gross Score mean in golf?
Your Adjusted Gross Score is calculated by taking your score and subtracting your handicap allowance.
What does Approach mean in golf?
The approach shot, frequently a short or medium range shot directed toward the pin or green, is generally called the “approach.”
What does Attend the flag mean in golf?
Golfers should pay respects to the flag by grasping and taking it down while another player puts. This is an important part of etiquette in the sport.
What does Attest mean in golf?
If you compete in a tournament, after every round you must submit your score card. Your signature on the card indicates that you vouch for its authenticity. Moreover, one of the golfers who participated in the same game must also sign it as a testament to your claims.
What does Backspin mean in golf?
Backspin, also known as reverse spin, is a technique for making the ball bounce back after it has landed.
What does Beach mean in golf?
A beach is also referred to as a sand trap.
What does Best Ball mean in golf?
Best Ball is a game in which players compete against one another, or each other’s best score. It may be played with two, three or four players; the latter involves partners who submit their individual scores and the better of the two is counted.

What does Birdie mean in golf?
Getting a ‘Birdie’ on a hole is when a player’s score is one under par. This can be achieved by striking the ball with fewer shots than needed for the standard amount.
What does Bite mean in golf?
When hitting a golf shot, the amount of backspin applied can cause the ball to come to rest without rolling, or nearly so.
What does Bogey mean in golf?
Bogey is when a golfer makes one over par on the hole they are playing.
What does Bunker mean in golf?
Bunkers are a hazard in the game of golf- sand craters or holes that have been filled, deriving from a Scottish term meaning receptacle or storage place (‘Trap’ is the American terminology). Players must be aware that they cannot ground their club before hitting the ball when they are situated in one of these bunkers.
What does Caddie mean in golf?
A caddie is an individual who carries a golfer’s equipment and provides them with tips and guidance on the best course strategy and club selection.
What does Carry mean in golf?
The separation between the moment of impact and first ground contact is known as carry. It’s especially instrumental in estimating distance to the green when hazards are present, like water or sand traps.
What does Chip mean in golf?
Chip shots involve hitting a ball from near the green, using an upwards trajectory to achieve a shorter-than-normal shot.
What does Choke mean in golf?
Choke – Gripping the golf club shaft further down. It is also colloquially used to refer to a psychological breakdown when faced with strain.
What does Closed Face mean in golf?
When you address the ball, the club should be aimed to the left of your target.
What does Divot mean in golf?
A divot is a chunk of turf displaced while playing golf. Proper etiquette entails replacing it and restoring it to its original condition. It is not permissible to move your ball if it lies in a divot mark. On many courses, there are containers of sand in golf carts or at the tee box that can be used for filling these divots.
What does Double Bogey mean in golf?
When playing golf, a double bogey doesn’t look good on your score card, as it is two strokes more than par for that particular hole.
What does Down mean in golf?
You are behind your opponent(s) by a certain number of strokes or holes.
What does Downhill Lie mean in golf?
When addressing the ball with a right-hand stance, right-handers should have their right foot higher than their left.
What does Draw mean in golf?
Pairing golfers for a match play tournament requires careful consideration. It’s important to select players who have the potential to combine well, producing an effective outcome.
What does Draw mean in golf?
A draw shot is a shot that curves from left to right or from right to left for a left-handed player.
What does Drop mean in golf?
The act of returning a ball to play after it has been declared unplayable or lost.
What does Eagle mean in golf?
An eagle is a score of two under par on any hole.
What does Fade mean in golf?
Unlike a slice, a fade can be deliberate and controlled, moving from left to right towards the target.
What does Fairway mean in golf?
The fairway is the area on a golf course where the grass is cut shorter than the rough. It is usually surrounded by rough on both sides. Golf shots played from the fairway tend to be easier to hit.
What does Flash Trap mean in golf?
Sand bunker that is shallow and small.
What does Fore! mean in golf?
When a player’s shot threatens another player, he or she shouts “Fore!”.
What does Four ball mean in golf?
In four ball, two players play their better balls against the better balls of their opponents.

What does Foursome mean in golf?
A foursome is a group of four golfers playing together.
What does Grand Slam mean in golf?
British Open, U.S. Open, PGA Championship, and Masters are the four major men’s championships.
What does Green mean in golf?
Generally, a green refers to a putting surface on a golf course.
What does Grip mean in golf?
An example is the grip of a club, which is usually made of leather or rubber. This part describes how the club is held by the golfer. Among the most common grips are the “Vardon”/overlapping grip (named after golfer Harry Vardon, where the pinky finger of the bottom hand overlaps the index finger of the upper hand and middle finger), and the “Interlocking” grip, where the index finger of the top hand interlocks with the pinky finger of the bottom hand.
What does Gross mean in golf?
The number of strokes a player makes for a hole or round before handicapping is applied. The number after handicapping is applied.
What does Halved mean in golf?
The hole is halved when both sides play it with the same number of strokes. Each side is credited with half the strokes.
What does Handicap mean in golf?
Designed to allow golfers of all playing levels to compete on an equal basis, handicapping amateur players is the average of their scores for each round of golf.
What does Hazard mean in golf?
Any obstacle on a golf course that makes it difficult for players to play, such as a lake, pond, fence, molehill, bunker, etc., may be considered a hazard.
What does Hole mean in golf?
A hole is a round, 4 1/2″ diameter receptacle in the green that is at least 4″ deep. It is also one of the nine or eighteen places between the tee and the green.
What does Hook mean in golf?
Right-handed golfers usually land the hook shot to the left of their target (left-handed golfers land it to the right of their target). This shot curves strongly right to left. The term “draw” refers to a lesser hooking action. Described as moderately curved right to left shots, a draw is a controlled movement from right to left.
What does Lie mean in golf?
In golf, lie is the angle at which the clubhead is set on the shaft, based on where the ball rests on the ground.
What does Local Rules mean in golf?
Those rules determined by the members of a club are known as local rules.
What does Loft mean in golf?
An angle on the face of a golf club. Also, the height of the ball in flight.
What does Lost Ball mean in golf?
If a ball is not found and identified within five minutes of the player’s search for it, it becomes lost. The player has five minutes to search for a ball, but can declare it lost before time expires.
What does Marker mean in golf?
When the ball is lifted off the putting green, a marker, such as a coin, marks its position.
What does Match mean in golf?
There are two teams competing for each hole in match play. The winners are those who win the most holes, not those with the lowest scores. “One up” is the winning position on the first hole. Even if the player wins by two or three strokes, he or she is still “one up”. Each time the player wins a hole, the lead increases. Originally, golf competitions were played in this manner.
What does Net Score mean in golf?
A player’s net score is her score after deducting her handicap.
What does O.B. / Out of Bounds mean in golf?
OB stands for Out of Bounds. A player who commits an OOB penalty has to replay the shot with a one-stroke penalty.
What does Offset mean in golf?
An offset club has the head set behind the shaft.
What does Par mean in golf?
If you score “the par” on any golf course, you will have a great round! The par is displayed on the scorecard for each hole.
What does Penalty stroke mean in golf?
For any of the many possible rules violations, a penalty stroke is added to the player’s score.
What does Pick Up mean in golf?
The act of picking up one’s ball before holing out results in a hole being conceded in match play or a disqualification in stroke play.
What does Pin mean in golf?
A pin is a slang term for a flagstick.
What does Pitch mean in golf?
In a pitch shot, the player does not use a full swing, so it is shorter than a normal swing, but longer than a chip shot.
What does Play Through mean in golf?
The act of passing a group of slower golfers on the same hole or the hole ahead. It is proper etiquette to ask permission before passing another golfer.
What does Pro Shop mean in golf?
Equipment is sold in the golf course’s pro shops, which is operated by Angela Kilmartin and Dympna Keenan, head professionals.
What does Provisional Ball mean in golf?
A provisional ball is played from the same place as the first ball if the player is uncertain where the first ball ended up (e.g. lost or out of bounds).
What does Putter mean in golf?
This club has very little loft (the angle on the clubface itself) and is usually shorter than other clubs.
What does Rough mean in golf?
A rough is an area adjacent to a fairway, green, tee off area or hazard with longer and thicker grass than a fairway.

What does Rub of the Green mean in golf?
In stroke play, it occurs when the ball is deflected by agencies beyond your control that are not part of the match, and is not the fault of a player or caddie.
What does Scratch mean in golf?
Golfers with a 0 handicap are scratch golfers. To put it another way, they play “par golf”.
What does Shank mean in golf?
In golf, the shank is usually considered to be the worst shot in the game, even worse than a “whiff”.
What does Short game mean in golf?
In golf, the short game consists of chip shots, pitching and putting. A slice is a shot that curves violently to the right (for a right-handed golfer).
What does Stance – mean in golf?
Position of your feet when addressing the ball is called stance.
What does Stroke Play mean in golf?
The total number of strokes for one round, or for a predetermined number of rounds, determines the winner of a stroke play competition.
What does Tee mean in golf?
A wooden peg on which the ball is placed at the beginning of each golf hole for hitting the ball. Originally a pile of sand used to elevate the ball for driving.
What does Top/topped mean in golf?
Rather than rising into the air, a topped shot will dive downwards, roll, or hop along the ground instead.
What does Turn mean in golf?
The turn marks the beginning of the back nine holes.
What does Unplayable Lie mean in golf?
A lie in which the ball cannot be played, such as in a thicket of trees.
What does Uphill Lie mean in golf?
The uphill lie occurs when your ball comes to rest on a slope side, where the slope is oriented so that a ball rolls away from the hole when it rolls downhill. To create a parallel line between the right and left shoulders, right-handed golfers must bend their left knee more than usual, tip their left shoulders upward, and tilt their right shoulders downward to achieve the proper stance.
What does Wedge mean in golf?
A wedge is an iron used for short shots with a high loft – pitching wedges, sand wedges.
What does Yip mean in golf?
Yip – Missing a putt due to yips.
What does Yips mean in golf?
The feeling of shakiness or nervousness when making a shot.
What does Zoomie mean in golf?
In golf, a zoomie is a drive that goes farther than most drives ever hit by the golfer who hits it.